Thursday, November 1, 2012

Daylight Savings Time

Okay, so I understand on Sunday all the clocks in the house will be changed.  I do not understand this.  The Queen and The Athlete have been discussing whether this is "gaining" or "losing" a hour of time during the day. Apparently, there is some debate on terminology.

I have been seriously worried that whatever way it turns out, it all boils down to MY getting MY breakfast one hour LATER.  I don't understand why my humans are happy about this change.  I purrsonally think we should always "Spring Forward", even in the fall.

This would make sure that I am always getting fed one hour earlier.  I could then start my naps earlier.  I would be one happy, handsome, napping feline.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey, I'm still here!

So, I've been missing for a month.  I know, I know...whatzup with that?  I have no excuse other than The Queen has just been a brat and not allowed me 'puter time.  She takes the 'puter with her to work so what's a Ragdoll to do?  No access means no posts.  Plain and simple.

Today, however, The Queen is off work and the computer is just sitting here, so I am sneaking this post before she comes back with her coffee and shoos me away!

I've had a haircut a few weeks ago, and now it is growing back out I'm not ashamed to be seen.  My stamp girls still seem to love me, so  I guess there has been no long term damage done.

I found a post by SparkleCat that shows this graphic.  It substantiates what I have been saying all along...CATS RULE! 

Take a minute to read all these stats...don't you agree?


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I've figured it out

I finally figured it out.  It shouldn't have taken me this long, but I was a trusting feline.  Apparently trusting to a fault!

I know now that when The Athlete makes remarks to The Queen like "I need you to get him in a minute" or "Don't let him see that!" or "Pick him up before I bring it in the room" means that I have to go to the V.E.T.  It means the Evil Suitcase has been brought down from the attic where everything evil is stored, so that The Athlete can stuff me in it and whisk me off to the V.E.T.

I try to escape from The Queens grasp, but she is too quick for me...this time.  I am put into the Evil Suitcase which means I am at The Athlete's mercy.  I howl the whole way to the V.E.T. office, hiding under the mat, but he doesn't even pay attention.

The only saving grace is that I find out it really isn't a trip to the is just another trip to get all my hairs cut.  Three months has passed since my last cut and the groomer lady made over me, so I have to share all my charms and visit again so she can make over me again.  I am pretty sure that she loves me!

So I am now back home. The ride home wasn't near as loud as the trip going, since I realized the drama was over.  I have survived and even gotten a nice dusting of good smelling powder.  Handsome and debonair once again.  Life is good.  What do you think?  Look at that chiseled profile...


Saturday, August 11, 2012


Whassup?  Nothin' exciting here. 

As usual, the ladies from Stamp Club were making over me last Thursday night.  What else can you being the handsome feline specimen that I am.  

However, today was another story.  Today I was the bedroom...for more than 3 hours!  Yes, The Queen did that to me!

She had an "event" here where ladies came over and rummaged through boxes of lucious rubber stamps and tried to bargain with The Queen in hopes of gaining said lucious rubber stamps for next to nothing.

I saw many ladies leaving with large sacks of "stuff" so I guess she was successful.  I am totally miffed that I was left out of all the socializing, because I just know they all would have loved to mug on me. 

I'll be okay, after a bit.  Right now, I am pouting....


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I've got mail!

Wow...I got mail!

Looky!  It's addressed to ME and everything!  I entered a giveaway on Mousebreath's blog and I was one of several that got picked!

Okay, so the little roly box thing is kind of lame, and the treats aren't too tasty, but...
I got mail!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where's The Queen?

Okay, fun is fun.  She's had her "convenshun" now where is she?

I have been waiting by the back door for days and days.  I look under the bed, sit at the front door, wait in her chair.  Has she ran away?

I cry to The Athlete and all he can say is "She'll be home soon".  Today he said she will be home tonight.  Hrrumph.  I doubt it.  I wonder if she has found another feline?   Surely not.  How could I ever be replaced?  She better get back home or I'll pee in her chair....that will fix her.

While I wait to see if she ever returns, I did find this cartoon to share.  Why does St. Peter ask me to make up my mind?


Saturday, July 14, 2012


Okay, my stamp girls were over to see me a few days ago and I was chastised because I haven't posted anything for a while.  I tried to convince them that I am at the mercy of The Queen and when she leaves the 'puter unattended long enough for me to post.  I don't know if they bought it though.

I don't have much to report, although things have been in a bit of turmoil these past few days.  The Queen is getting ready to go to "convenshun" and I have no clue what that means.  She has been shopping and bringing home bags that I'm not allowed to chew on.  The very nerve!  I think she is using this as an excuse to get new clothes.  Where are MY treats?

I am exhausted trying to keep up with her.  I rested on the floor...

I rested in her chair...

I rested on the blanket...

and I rested on the couch...

It is absolutely mind boggling trying to keep her focused and on task.  She has to leave in two days for convenshun and is not even packed.  I don't know how I can help her so she will get it all done.  

I think I need to sleep on it...